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句子图片 > Page 242
Good morning, sending my love to you.

Good morning, sending my love to you.

#good morning, #情话
Good Morning!

Good Morning!

#good morning, #紫色
Good morning, enjoy a beautiful day.

Good morning, enjoy a beautiful day.

#good morning, #咖啡
Good Morning.

Good Morning.

#good morning, #咖啡
Good Morning. Everyday is a fresh start. Wake up with a thankful heart.

Good Morning. Everyday is a fresh start. Wake up with a thankful heart.

#good morning, #感恩
Good Morning, Stay Happy.

Good Morning, Stay Happy.

#good morning, #蜂鸟
Good Morning.

Good Morning.

#good morning, #糖果
Good morning, be cool.

Good morning, be cool.

#good morning, #冬天
Good Morning.

Good Morning.

#good morning, #冬天
Good Morning.

Good Morning.

#good morning, #露水
nice gender, did your mummy give you it?

nice gender, did your mummy give you it?

Seeing you smile makes me smile.

Seeing you smile makes me smile.

#微笑, #情话
i was yours for free.

i was yours for free.

#情话, #黑色
Ask the moon, he knows how much i love you.

Ask the moon, he knows how much i love you.

#情话, #月亮
Don't fall because they look attractive, fall because they make you feel so special.

Don't fall because they look attractive, fall because they make you feel so special.

#人与人, #故事
September lasted like 10 minutes.

September lasted like 10 minutes.

#九月, #故事
Never wanna feel that pain again.

Never wanna feel that pain again.

#故事, #疼痛
Always pick peace over drama, and distance over disrespect

Always pick peace over drama, and distance over disrespect

#放轻松, #边界感
Seeing them treat someone else the way u begged to be treated.

Seeing them treat someone else the way u begged to be treated.

#人与人, #黑色
Call me for no reason i love hearing your voice.

Call me for no reason i love hearing your voice.

#情话, #爱情
Out of all smiles, yours is my favorite.

Out of all smiles, yours is my favorite.

#微笑, #情话
I take loyalty seriously.

I take loyalty seriously.

#忠诚, #黑色
Be selfish with your time. A lot of people don't deserve it.

Be selfish with your time. A lot of people don't deserve it.

#爱自己, #自私
Getting that

Getting that "i miss u" text from someone u miss too.

#故事, #爱情
Memories are forever.

Memories are forever.

#回忆, #黑色
Trust me i'm always here for u.

Trust me i'm always here for u.

#情话, #爱情
I always hide most of what i feel.

I always hide most of what i feel.

#孤独, #黑色
Every relationship has ups and downs, you should never expect perfection from somebody.

Every relationship has ups and downs, you should never expect perfection from somebody.

#关系, #爱情
life has taught me never expect from anyone.

life has taught me never expect from anyone.

#人生真实, #降低期望
One day, you'll get everything you deserve.

One day, you'll get everything you deserve.

#你值得, #黑色
please, value yourself more.

please, value yourself more.

#投资自己, #黑色
Someday someone will stay.

Someday someone will stay.

#安慰, #陪伴
To everyone carrying a heavy heart in silence. You're going to be okay.

To everyone carrying a heavy heart in silence. You're going to be okay.

#放轻松, #黑色
I am still here and will always be here.

I am still here and will always be here.

#情话, #我在
be with someone who calms you just by being there.

be with someone who calms you just by being there.

#放轻松, #爱情
you call her “the one”. she call you “that one”.

you call her “the one”. she call you “that one”.

#故事, #爱情
No one is too busy, it's only a matter of priorities.

No one is too busy, it's only a matter of priorities.

#人间真实, #优先级
l want you, no one else.

l want you, no one else.

#情话, #爱情
People do not appreciate what they have until they lost it.

People do not appreciate what they have until they lost it.

#故事, #珍惜当下
Be thankful for the hard times, for they have made you.

Be thankful for the hard times, for they have made you.

#成长, #逆境