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love yourself.

love yourself.



#情话, #我爱你


#情话, #樱桃
positive vibes.

positive vibes.

good vibes.

good vibes.

Today is going to be a good day.

Today is going to be a good day.

Even the darkest nights will end, and the sun will rise again.

Even the darkest nights will end, and the sun will rise again.

#加油, #逆境
Small progreess is still progress.

Small progreess is still progress.

#加油, #鼓励
Train your mind to see the good in every situation.

Train your mind to see the good in every situation.

Everything comes to you at the right time... be patient.

Everything comes to you at the right time... be patient.

#太阳, #慢慢来
All I can do is all I can do. that is enough.

All I can do is all I can do. that is enough.

#坚持, #花
don't give up.

don't give up.

#加油, #坚持
You are the best version of yourself.

You are the best version of yourself.

#可爱, #夸赞
you are worthy.

you are worthy.

it will be okay.

it will be okay.

#安慰, #插画
When you cant't find the sunshine, be the sunshine.

When you cant't find the sunshine, be the sunshine.

#乐观, #太阳
I've my own sky with my own stars.

I've my own sky with my own stars.

#做自己, #女孩
Today, remember that in order to blossom into who we wish to become...we must not be afraid to grow...

Today, remember that in order to blossom into who we wish to become...we must not be afraid to grow...

#成长, #花
Blessed is the who has believed that the lord would fulfill his promise to her.

Blessed is the who has believed that the lord would fulfill his promise to her.

She was learning to silence the noise and rewaken to her own bright.

She was learning to silence the noise and rewaken to her own bright.

#坚持, #女性
Hello, Feburary.

Hello, Feburary.

#二月, #女性
The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.

The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.

#幸福, #插画
And in her starry shade of dim and litany loveliness, i learned the language of another world.

And in her starry shade of dim and litany loveliness, i learned the language of another world.

#手写字, #插画
My courage is my power.

My courage is my power.

#做自己, #勇气
lucky me.

lucky me.

#四叶草, #幸运
Devote today to somthing so daring even you can't believe you're doing it.

Devote today to somthing so daring even you can't believe you're doing it.

#去野, #成长
She has been feeling it for a while-that sense of awaking. There is a gentle rage simmering inside her, and it is getting stronger by the day. She will hold it close to her-she will nurture it and let it grow. She won't let anyone take it away from her. It is her rocket fuel and finally, she is going places. She can feel it down to her very core-this is her time. She will not only climb mountains-she will move them too.

She has been feeling it for a while-that sense of awaking. There is a gentle rage simmering inside her, and it is getting stronger by the day. She will hold it close to her-she will nurture it and let it grow. She won't let anyone take it away from h...

#女性, #愤怒
Be happy, baby.

Be happy, baby.

#乐观, #快乐
you deserve to be loved.

you deserve to be loved.

#你值得, #你真棒
keep dreaming girl, you'll get there.

keep dreaming girl, you'll get there.

#做梦, #初心
More self love.

More self love.

#女孩, #插画
Here's to letting go . Here's to starting a new. Here's to realizing, after everything, you will still bloom.

Here's to letting go . Here's to starting a new. Here's to realizing, after everything, you will still bloom.

#夸赞, #手写字
Let's spend some koala-ty time together.

Let's spend some koala-ty time together.

#情话, #考拉
Birthday toast.

Birthday toast.

#涂色, #生日快乐
You're totally my jam.

You're totally my jam.

#情话, #我爱你
You're hot & I lava you.

You're hot & I lava you.

#情话, #我爱你


#披萨, #滚球


#可爱, #喵星人
You're a big dill!

You're a big dill!

#夸赞, #美食
Waddle I do without you.

Waddle I do without you.

#企鹅, #情话