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Let's roll.

Let's roll.

Grateful for where I'm at, excited for where I'm going.

Grateful for where I'm at, excited for where I'm going.

#感恩, #感激
Don't compare your life to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time.

Don't compare your life to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time.

#做自己, #别比较


#新鲜, #新鲜感
Your priority shows your maturity.

Your priority shows your maturity.

#优先级, #成熟
Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles.

Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles.

#别焦虑, #小熊
Don't get too attached people always leave.

Don't get too attached people always leave.

#人与人, #人生
So many different moods in one day.

So many different moods in one day.

#滚球, #生活
own your shit, it is fertilizer for future greatness.

own your shit, it is fertilizer for future greatness.

#成长, #花
Vibe alone until you're valued.

Vibe alone until you're valued.

#孤独, #独处
Losing you is always their loss.

Losing you is always their loss.

#安慰, #鼓励
Heavy on my privacy what you see is what i allow.

Heavy on my privacy what you see is what i allow.

Never complain and never explain.

Never complain and never explain.

#别抱怨, #别解释
Doing my best.

Doing my best.

Selflove takes acceptance, patience, self-forgiveness, practice, belief.

Selflove takes acceptance, patience, self-forgiveness, practice, belief.

#原谅自己, #爱
On the other side of clouds is a bright blue sky.

On the other side of clouds is a bright blue sky.

#坚持, #太阳
life is like riding a bicycle. to keep your balance you must keep moving.

life is like riding a bicycle. to keep your balance you must keep moving.

#加油, #成长
big hug!

big hug!

#企鹅, #拥抱
Grow positive thoughts.

Grow positive thoughts.

#乐观, #女孩
Finally everyone left one by one.

Finally everyone left one by one.

#伤心, #成长
Grow positive thoughts.

Grow positive thoughts.

#乐观, #成长
Go with your creative flow.

Go with your creative flow.

#创意, #灵感
there are always flowers for those who want to see them.

there are always flowers for those who want to see them.

#善意, #地球
Getting close to people isn't my thing anymore.

Getting close to people isn't my thing anymore.

#伤心, #故事
Do the damn thing.

Do the damn thing.

#去野, #青春
Happy pride.

Happy pride.

#自信, #花
You give life to what you give energy to.

You give life to what you give energy to.

#兔子, #加油
Karma notice everything.

Karma notice everything.

Apart from roasting I'm not good at anything.

Apart from roasting I'm not good at anything.

#吃货, #躺平
Do you remember?

Do you remember?

#回忆, #悲观
Im tired of people no one really cares.

Im tired of people no one really cares.

#伤心, #悲观
Make yourself proud.

Make yourself proud.

#别焦虑, #加油
No stress, feeling cute.

No stress, feeling cute.

#别焦虑, #可爱
I desire so much, i receive less.

I desire so much, i receive less.

#人生, #人间真实
Happy spring.

Happy spring.

#快乐, #春天
oopsie daisy.

oopsie daisy.

#乐观, #花
All you need is some peace of mind.

All you need is some peace of mind.

#别焦虑, #放轻松
Happy bunny.

Happy bunny.

#乐观, #兔子
You don't have to be the best. Just keep doing your best. Your best is always enough.

You don't have to be the best. Just keep doing your best. Your best is always enough.

#不完美, #你真棒
Trust the magic of new beginnings.

Trust the magic of new beginnings.

#新开始, #鼓励