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do something nice, even if it's not your jpb.

do something nice, even if it's not your jpb.

#善意, #女孩
when i feel overwhelmed, i'm glad you're beside me.

when i feel overwhelmed, i'm glad you're beside me.

#友谊, #有你真好
daily dose of happiness!  time to make the magic happen.

daily dose of happiness! time to make the magic happen.

#信封, #慢慢来
when joy is a habit, love is a reflex.

when joy is a habit, love is a reflex.

#乐观, #放轻松
it's very okay ot to know yet.

it's very okay ot to know yet.

#慢慢来, #成长
daily dose of happiness! you are strong enough to face it all.

daily dose of happiness! you are strong enough to face it all.

#你可以, #信封
paradise isn't a place, it's a feeling.

paradise isn't a place, it's a feeling.

#内心强大, #红色
daily dose of happiness! perfectly imperfect.

daily dose of happiness! perfectly imperfect.

#不完美, #信封
daily dose of happiness! your direction is more important than your speed.

daily dose of happiness! your direction is more important than your speed.

#信封, #初心
choose a blog post and read it, it won't take longer than a few minutes, so don't cheat :)

choose a blog post and read it, it won't take longer than a few minutes, so don't cheat :)

#放轻松, #绿色
daily dose of happiness!  if you can't be kind, be quiet.

daily dose of happiness! if you can't be kind, be quiet.

#信封, #慎言
daily dose of happiness!  forget the mistake, remember the lesson.

daily dose of happiness! forget the mistake, remember the lesson.

#信封, #成长
ahead is the best direction to look.

ahead is the best direction to look.

#去野, #放下
daily dose of happiness! always be kinder than what you feel.

daily dose of happiness! always be kinder than what you feel.

#信封, #善待自己
at some point in our lives, we all experience failure or loss.

at some point in our lives, we all experience failure or loss.

#人生, #放轻松
wake up with a purpose.

wake up with a purpose.

#初心, #橙色
daily dose of happiness! stay kind, it suits you.

daily dose of happiness! stay kind, it suits you.

#信封, #善意
be kind to all kinds.

be kind to all kinds.

#善意, #橙色
it only takes time to find out how strong you really are.

it only takes time to find out how strong you really are.

#你真棒, #夸赞
daily dose of happiness! your future needs you, your past doesn't.

daily dose of happiness! your future needs you, your past doesn't.

#乐观, #放下
be a voice, not an echo.

be a voice, not an echo.

#做自己, #粉红色
you are allowed to take your time.

you are allowed to take your time.

#慢慢来, #放轻松
daily dose of happiness!  think like the person you want to become.

daily dose of happiness! think like the person you want to become.

#乐观, #信封
a winner is a dreamer who never gives up.

a winner is a dreamer who never gives up.

#别放弃, #读书
daily dose of happiness! Your potential is endless.

daily dose of happiness! Your potential is endless.

#乐观, #你真棒
daily dose of happiness! when joy is a habit, love is a reflex.

daily dose of happiness! when joy is a habit, love is a reflex.

#信封, #善意
start before you are ready.

start before you are ready.

#准备好, #花
who you are is magical!

who you are is magical!

#你真棒, #夸赞
soft and strong.

soft and strong.

#女性力量, #温柔
i would find you in any lifetime, i would love you on any timeline.

i would find you in any lifetime, i would love you on any timeline.

#情人节, #情话
you deserve softness. it's okay to need your life to be calm and full of light. you deserve it all.

you deserve softness. it's okay to need your life to be calm and full of light. you deserve it all.

#乐观, #你值得
trans lives are under attack we must fight back!

trans lives are under attack we must fight back!

#滚球, #粉红色
holiday sale.

holiday sale.

20% off of my shop for today only code: cute.

20% off of my shop for today only code: cute.

#乐观, #可爱
don't forget to eat and drink.

don't forget to eat and drink.

#假期, #咖啡
this orange has no idea whats going on.

this orange has no idea whats going on.

#享受生活, #假期
you are needed.

you are needed.

#夸赞, #花
Rise for yourself before you fall for someone.

Rise for yourself before you fall for someone.

Enjoy the little things.

Enjoy the little things.

#享受当下, #享受生活
just be yourself.

just be yourself.

#做自己, #太阳