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Take care of yourself.

Take care of yourself.

#小熊, #爱自己
Never believe promises. it's just words!

Never believe promises. it's just words!

#人间真实, #承诺
Stop worrying how it's going to happen, and start believing that it will.

Stop worrying how it's going to happen, and start believing that it will.

just wanted to say hi.

just wanted to say hi.

#太阳, #打招呼
What a great day to be proud of all the progress you've made.

What a great day to be proud of all the progress you've made.

#你真棒, #夸赞
How rainbows are born.

How rainbows are born.

#乐观, #彩虹
Start believing there is nothing that is too good for you.

Start believing there is nothing that is too good for you.

#相信, #花
Don't be so hard on yourself, take a minute to look how far you've come.

Don't be so hard on yourself, take a minute to look how far you've come.

#善待自己, #小牛
Stay loyal or stay away.

Stay loyal or stay away.

#分手, #忠诚
i swear I'll shine again but not in your sky.

i swear I'll shine again but not in your sky.

#分手, #彩虹
When your favourite person is offline.

When your favourite person is offline.

I was there for myself when no one else was.

I was there for myself when no one else was.

#伤心, #孤独
If it comes or if it goes, just let it  flow.

If it comes or if it goes, just let it flow.

#兔子, #顺其自然
Some endings dont have proper goodbyes.

Some endings dont have proper goodbyes.

bitches come & go, music stays.

bitches come & go, music stays.

#滚球, #音乐
Don't be afraid to be different.

Don't be afraid to be different.

#不同, #做自己
Free britney.

Free britney.

Focus on what's really worth your time & energy.

Focus on what's really worth your time & energy.

#初心, #目标
Make yourself a proiority.

Make yourself a proiority.

#善待自己, #肯定自己
Nobody understands me, not even me.

Nobody understands me, not even me.

#迷茫, #青春
Live in the now.

Live in the now.

#享受当下, #活在当下
in bloom.

in bloom.

#做自己, #夸赞
Let go of what leaves you feeling enpty.

Let go of what leaves you feeling enpty.

#劝告, #放下
I'm careless about people who never care for me back.

I'm careless about people who never care for me back.

#人与人, #滚球
Some people never change & that's not your problem.

Some people never change & that's not your problem.

#人与人, #蝴蝶
You are magic.

You are magic.

#城堡, #夸赞
Kinda tired of being okay with thing's I'm not okay with.

Kinda tired of being okay with thing's I'm not okay with.

Be kind to yourself.

Be kind to yourself.

#善待自己, #花
The magic is in you.

The magic is in you.

#夸赞, #花
Keep going you never know what's right around the corner.

Keep going you never know what's right around the corner.

#加油, #鼓励
You look so strong, but i know you're tired.

You look so strong, but i know you're tired.

#安慰, #放轻松
Stay cute.

Stay cute.

#可爱, #小羊
Second chances are mostly mistakes.

Second chances are mostly mistakes.

And in this world, she is my world.

And in this world, she is my world.

#妈妈, #母亲节
I prefer losing people but not myself respect.

I prefer losing people but not myself respect.

#机器猫, #爱自己
there are always flowers for those who want to see them.

there are always flowers for those who want to see them.

#幸福, #花
You are the main character.

You are the main character.

#夸自己, #肯定自己
It's cool to care.

It's cool to care.

#爱自己, #花
Which cup size do you need today? small, medium, large, monday?

Which cup size do you need today? small, medium, large, monday?

#咖啡, #星期一
But, here's the thing.

But, here's the thing.

#与人为善, #花