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Nuts for you.

Nuts for you.

#情话, #我爱你
I flipping love you.

I flipping love you.

#可爱, #情话
I only have pies for you!

I only have pies for you!

#情话, #我爱你
You are turtley awesome.

You are turtley awesome.

#乌龟, #你真棒
olive you.

olive you.

#情话, #我爱你
So glad i picked you!

So glad i picked you!

#仙人掌, #情话
I’m a melonaire!

I’m a melonaire!

#可爱, #美食
You are flipping awesome.

You are flipping awesome.

#你真棒, #夸赞
I loaf you.

I loaf you.

#吐司, #情话
I know it’s corny but… you are a-maige-ing!

I know it’s corny but… you are a-maige-ing!

#你真棒, #夸赞
Feel butter soon!

Feel butter soon!

#发烧, #美食
You got me hooked.

You got me hooked.

#情话, #爱情
Sofa so good.

Sofa so good.

#放轻松, #沙发
Oh kale yes!

Oh kale yes!

You’re one in krillion.

You’re one in krillion.

#情话, #爱情
Won’t chew be mine.

Won’t chew be mine.

#口香糖, #情话
Don’t go bacon my heart.

Don’t go bacon my heart.

#培根, #情话
You’re increpable.

You’re increpable.

#你真棒, #夸赞
You complete me.

You complete me.

#双关语, #情话
You mean a latte to me.

You mean a latte to me.

#咖啡, #情话
You’re outta this world!

You’re outta this world!

#双关语, #太阳
Happy hallow quen.

Happy hallow quen.

#万圣节, #南瓜
One in a melon.

One in a melon.

#双关语, #美食


#双关语, #猫头鹰


#万圣节, #加油
I be-leaf in you!

I be-leaf in you!

#信任, #双关语
I love you very much.

I love you very much.

#双关语, #情话
Love muffins.

Love muffins.

#双关语, #情话
nuts about you.

nuts about you.

#双关语, #天生一对
Sole mates.

Sole mates.

#双关语, #天生一对
You’re cherry sweet.

You’re cherry sweet.

#双关语, #情话
I carrot alot about you.

I carrot alot about you.

#双关语, #情话
I have fillings for you.

I have fillings for you.

#双关语, #情话
Wanna spoon?

Wanna spoon?

#冰激凌, #勺子
I’m in a serious relation-chip.

I’m in a serious relation-chip.

#双关语, #天生一对
You’re like coffee: hot & I want you every day.

You’re like coffee: hot & I want you every day.

#乐观, #双关语
Cheesy puns…mac me so happy!

Cheesy puns…mac me so happy!

#双关语, #天生一对
We’re so cornpatible.

We’re so cornpatible.

#双关语, #合作无间
She was afraid of heights, but she was much more afraid of never flying.

She was afraid of heights, but she was much more afraid of never flying.

#去野, #女性
You can chaneg the world.

You can chaneg the world.

#世界, #你真棒