肯定自己 | 第 5 页,共 8 页 | 句子喵,分享触动人心的美妙句子,带有句子的图片壁纸,带有句子的桌面壁纸,带有句子的手机壁纸。

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> 页面5
Stop letting your potential go to waste because you don’t feel confident of ready enough.

Stop letting your potential go to waste because you don’t feel confident of ready enough.

#不自信, #夸赞
so many people love you. Don’t focus on those who do not.

so many people love you. Don’t focus on those who do not.

#手写字, #肯定自己
Reminder: you are strong, you are capable, you are enough.

Reminder: you are strong, you are capable, you are enough.

#城市, #夸赞
A reminder: be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best that you can.

A reminder: be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best that you can.

#善待自己, #手写字
There are so many people out there who will tell you you can’t. What you’ve got to do is turn around and say watch me.

There are so many people out there who will tell you you can’t. What you’ve got to do is turn around and say watch me.

#夸赞, #相信自己
you do, you are, you can, you will, you have.

you do, you are, you can, you will, you have.

#夸赞, #手写字
Don’t give up, you can do this! Your feeling s matter. Better days are on their way! You are brave, you are valued & you are heard! Keep believing in yourself! You are so loved, no matter how you feel.

Don’t give up, you can do this! Your feeling s matter. Better days are on their way! You are brave, you are valued & you are heard! Keep believing in yourself! You are so loved, no matter how you feel.

#咖啡, #咱没
I believe I’m worthy of feeling good.

I believe I’m worthy of feeling good.

#插画, #爱自己
i hope you know you’re capable a brave and significant. even when it feels like you’re not.

i hope you know you’re capable a brave and significant. even when it feels like you’re not.

#夸赞, #手写字
You are stronger than what you think.

You are stronger than what you think.

#夸赞, #肯定自己
I’m pretty comfortable with my body. I’m imperfect. The imperfections are t there. People are going to see them, but take the view you only live once.

I’m pretty comfortable with my body. I’m imperfect. The imperfections are t there. People are going to see them, but take the view you only live once.

#夸赞自己, #肯定自己
Someone’s always going to have a critique…All that matters is what I think of it. And I had to go so deep inside myself and look in the mirror. Looking in the mirror and accepting what’s in the mirror is very, very difficult.And right now, I love it every time I look in the mirror.

Someone’s always going to have a critique…All that matters is what I think of it. And I had to go so deep inside myself and look in the mirror. Looking in the mirror and accepting what’s in the mirror is very, very difficult.And rig...

#爱自己, #肯定自己
Always remember that you are braver than you believe, smarter than you think, and loved more than you’ll ever know.

Always remember that you are braver than you believe, smarter than you think, and loved more than you’ll ever know.

#插画, #爱自己
yes, you can.

yes, you can.

#你可以, #大海
Don’t ignore your own potential.

Don’t ignore your own potential.

#手写字, #肯定自己
never underestimate yourself.

never underestimate yourself.

#照片, #肯定自己
imagine what’s possible once you stop doubting yourself.

imagine what’s possible once you stop doubting yourself.

#肯定自己, #自我怀疑
You are stronger than you think.

You are stronger than you think.

Realize that you have the power to do be or create anything in your life. Anything.

Realize that you have the power to do be or create anything in your life. Anything.

#夸赞, #肯定自己
In the morning and evening, repeat this sentrence 3 times: I am worthy. I am loved. I am enough. 3weeks, every day. Or stick it on a post-it and repeat it in the mirror.

In the morning and evening, repeat this sentrence 3 times: I am worthy. I am loved. I am enough. 3weeks, every day. Or stick it on a post-it and repeat it in the mirror.

#生活, #肯定自己


#做自己, #流言蜚语
imagine what’s possible once you stop doubting yourself.

imagine what’s possible once you stop doubting yourself.

“You are the priority in your life. How you love you,how you see you, how you treat you is going to set the stage and issue the invitation that will draw other people in to love you.”

“You are the priority in your life. How you love you,how you see you, how you treat you is going to set the stage and issue the invitation that will draw other people in to love you.”

#爱自己, #肯定自己
Accept yourself as you are. And that is the most difficult thing in the world, because it goes everything you’ve ever been taught.From the very beginning you have been told how you should be. Nobody has ever told you that you are good as you are.

Accept yourself as you are. And that is the most difficult thing in the world, because it goes everything you’ve ever been taught.From the very beginning you have been told how you should be. Nobody has ever told you that you are good as you ar...

#接受自己, #肯定自己
where you are. is not who you are.

where you are. is not who you are.

#做自己, #肯定自己
No need to hurry, we need to sparkle, no need to be anybody but oneself.

No need to hurry, we need to sparkle, no need to be anybody but oneself.

#手写字, #放轻松
The minute you realize your worth, you shift your energy to attract new people who respect your worth. It starts with you first.

The minute you realize your worth, you shift your energy to attract new people who respect your worth. It starts with you first.

#人与人, #职场


#手写字, #肯定自己
“In case nobody’s told you today, you’re worthy. You’re valid. I’m glad you exist.”

“In case nobody’s told you today, you’re worthy. You’re valid. I’m glad you exist.”

#夸赞, #照片
you are good enough,  you do deserve good things,  you are smart enough,  you are worthy of love and respect,  you are amazing just the way you are.

you are good enough, you do deserve good things, you are smart enough, you are worthy of love and respect, you are amazing just the way you are.

#夸赞, #夸赞自己
Feeling like you’re constantly overlooked can make us question our worthiness.  Your worth can never be determined by someone else. People not giving you the credit that deserve is always their loss.  You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone.

Feeling like you’re constantly overlooked can make us question our worthiness. Your worth can never be determined by someone else. People not giving you the credit that deserve is always their loss. You don’t have to prove yourself to any...

#夸赞, #肯定自己
TRUST THE PROCESS,  Know that you are exactly where you are meant to be. even though you may not be where you thought you would.

TRUST THE PROCESS, Know that you are exactly where you are meant to be. even though you may not be where you thought you would.

#插画, #肯定自己
It’s all connected. Your gifts. Your circumstances. Your purpose. Your imperfections. Your journey. Your destiny. It’s moulding you. Embrace it.

It’s all connected. Your gifts. Your circumstances. Your purpose. Your imperfections. Your journey. Your destiny. It’s moulding you. Embrace it.

#接受自己, #爱自己
We all grow at different rates. And that’s OK!

We all grow at different rates. And that’s OK!

#不同, #做自己
I am at peace with who I am.

I am at peace with who I am.

#做自己, #插画
I am loved. I am seen. I am still being guided where I am meant to be.

I am loved. I am seen. I am still being guided where I am meant to be.

#手写字, #爱自己
You’re wonderful.

You’re wonderful.

#夸赞, #手写字
Be proud of how you’ve been handling these past months.The silent battles you fought, the moments you had to humble yourself,wiped your own tears and pat yourself on the back. Celebrate your strength.

Be proud of how you’ve been handling these past months.The silent battles you fought, the moments you had to humble yourself,wiped your own tears and pat yourself on the back. Celebrate your strength.

#坚持, #夸赞
You really do glow different when you’re treated right and loved properly.

You really do glow different when you’re treated right and loved properly.

#爱自己, #肯定自己
Just in case you have forgotten today: You You are loved. You are worthy. You are magical.

Just in case you have forgotten today: You You are loved. You are worthy. You are magical.

#夸赞, #肯定自己