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don’t worry about what you have to lost. focus on what you have to gain.

don’t worry about what you have to lost. focus on what you have to gain.

#感恩, #活在当下
Being grateful for what you currently have in the midst of getting what you want.

Being grateful for what you currently have in the midst of getting what you want.

#感恩, #珍惜
embrace all that is you.

embrace all that is you.

#活着, #爱自己
在感受  在记录  在珍惜  等时间嘉许  等春风得意

在感受 在记录 在珍惜 等时间嘉许 等春风得意

#感受, #感恩
there is more to you than yesterday.

there is more to you than yesterday.

#你真棒, #夸赞
at the end of the day, i am thankful that my blessings are bigger than my problems.

at the end of the day, i am thankful that my blessings are bigger than my problems.

#感恩, #珍惜


#享受当下, #人生
Hey remember, not everything that comes back to you is meant for you.

Hey remember, not everything that comes back to you is meant for you.

#人间真实, #珍惜
enjoy every moment.

enjoy every moment.

#活在当下, #珍惜
Remember when you wanted what you currently have?

Remember when you wanted what you currently have?

#初心, #手写字
So many people admire you for everything you are. But you don’t let yourself realize that.

So many people admire you for everything you are. But you don’t let yourself realize that.

#珍惜, #肯定自己
be good to her,she’s rare.

be good to her,she’s rare.

#善意, #珍惜