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> 页面13
Not every sad person’s problem is love.

Not every sad person’s problem is love.

#悲伤, #故事
You can’t keep Hurting people The way you do And expect it Not to catch up With you.

You can’t keep Hurting people The way you do And expect it Not to catch up With you.

#书摘, #善意
And so, the story goes on…

And so, the story goes on…

#书摘, #故事
the after. in order to heal properly you must walk away from what broke you.

the after. in order to heal properly you must walk away from what broke you.

#书摘, #故事
“Let’s meet again, for the first time.”

“Let’s meet again, for the first time.”

#故事, #相遇
We will see Each other Again. If not in this Life, then In another.

We will see Each other Again. If not in this Life, then In another.

#故事, #爱情
I didn’t ask, Because I was Afraid Of the Answer.

I didn’t ask, Because I was Afraid Of the Answer.

#故事, #沉默
Shame dies when stories are told in safe places.

Shame dies when stories are told in safe places.

#书摘, #慎言
When you finally meet the right person, but now the wrong person is you.

When you finally meet the right person, but now the wrong person is you.

#你错了, #劝告
Just because it ended… Does not mean it ended.

Just because it ended… Does not mean it ended.

#书摘, #故事
it’s okay to feel lost sometimes.

it’s okay to feel lost sometimes.

#人与人, #悲伤
Even the kindest hearts get tired too.

Even the kindest hearts get tired too.

#书摘, #善意
Stay where your heart smiles the most.

Stay where your heart smiles the most.

#书摘, #初心
Listening to music is fun Until you start getting flashbacks.

Listening to music is fun Until you start getting flashbacks.

#故事, #音乐
Maybe i am the problem.

Maybe i am the problem.

#故事, #黑色
l pray this girl wins in life, with or without me. I wanna see her on top.

l pray this girl wins in life, with or without me. I wanna see her on top.

#故事, #祝福
My whole life is just “oh ok”.

My whole life is just “oh ok”.

#故事, #黑色
I passed my hardest moment alone where everyone was thinking i was okay.

I passed my hardest moment alone where everyone was thinking i was okay.

#孤独, #故事
Real loyalty happens behind your back.

Real loyalty happens behind your back.

#友谊, #忠诚
Nothing excites me anymore.

Nothing excites me anymore.

#成长, #故事
Still trying to heal from things I don’t speak about.

Still trying to heal from things I don’t speak about.

#故事, #治愈
How can you forget Somone that gave you so much to remember.

How can you forget Somone that gave you so much to remember.

#反问, #故事
I hate that i can’t tell u what i feel.

I hate that i can’t tell u what i feel.

#故事, #黑色
Half strong, half broken.

Half strong, half broken.

#坏情绪, #故事
The reason i always seek quieter days is because the noise inside my head is always unbearable.

The reason i always seek quieter days is because the noise inside my head is always unbearable.

#安静, #故事
Sometimes, you hide your feelings from yourself too.

Sometimes, you hide your feelings from yourself too.

#故事, #黑色
I wish that, you’re a blessing, not a lesson.

I wish that, you’re a blessing, not a lesson.

#故事, #黑色
I miss someone who doesn’t miss me.

I miss someone who doesn’t miss me.

#故事, #爱情
Her voice is everything.

Her voice is everything.

#故事, #爱情
You can’t find me in someone else.

You can’t find me in someone else.

#故事, #独一无二
Sometimes, I wonder who is gonna sit at my grave and talk to me for hours.

Sometimes, I wonder who is gonna sit at my grave and talk to me for hours.

#墓地, #故事
I want to delete all my sadness and just be happy.

I want to delete all my sadness and just be happy.

#悲伤, #故事
Atleast show me that you care.

Atleast show me that you care.

#故事, #黑色
We may not talk but still care.

We may not talk but still care.

#故事, #黑色
hug me and don’t let go.

hug me and don’t let go.

#故事, #求安慰
Maybe the way that I’m living ls killing me.

Maybe the way that I’m living ls killing me.

#悲伤, #成长
I said I’m okay, but I never said it didn’t hurt.

I said I’m okay, but I never said it didn’t hurt.

#故事, #黑色
They all change and leave.

They all change and leave.

#故事, #离开
Me: I don’t care. Me: Starts crying.

Me: I don’t care. Me: Starts crying.

#伤心, #故事
You are sad for them they are happy with others.

You are sad for them they are happy with others.

#伤心, #故事