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May you never compare your garden to anyone else's. Have gratitude for how you have already grown and let every season teach you what it needs to teach you. Whether you are sowing new seeds or pulling up old weeds, let this season be what it needs to be, and keep watering those good seeds you have already sown.

May you never compare your garden to anyone else's. Have gratitude for how you have already grown and let every season teach you what it needs to teach you. Whether you are sowing new seeds or pulling up old weeds, let this season be what it needs to...

#感恩, #成长
My goal is to wake up every morning feeling overwhelmingly thankful about the kind of life I've created for myself.

My goal is to wake up every morning feeling overwhelmingly thankful about the kind of life I've created for myself.

#感恩, #早上好
Self care. Thick skin. Close friends. Clear boundaries. Airplane mode. Strong focus. Self appreciation. Gratitude

Self care. Thick skin. Close friends. Clear boundaries. Airplane mode. Strong focus. Self appreciation. Gratitude

#人生, #建议
The trick is to be grateful when your mood is high and graceful when it is low.

The trick is to be grateful when your mood is high and graceful when it is low.

#人生, #感恩
Thank you very match!

Thank you very match!

#双关语, #感恩
by grace. she'll make it.

by grace. she'll make it.

#善意, #女性
HEARTS ARE PRETTIER. when they're thankful for what they've been given instead of wanting for what they have not.

HEARTS ARE PRETTIER. when they're thankful for what they've been given instead of wanting for what they have not.

#内心, #感恩


#人与人, #感恩
Expect nothing, appreciate everything.

Expect nothing, appreciate everything.

#感恩, #手写字
it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations

it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations

Never take one single breath for granted.

Never take one single breath for granted.

#呼吸, #感恩
I will have gratitude for the little things even while I wait for the big things to fall in place.

I will have gratitude for the little things even while I wait for the big things to fall in place.

#感恩, #手写字


#感恩, #手写字
Joy is always possible because there is always something to be thankful for.

Joy is always possible because there is always something to be thankful for.

#感恩, #照片
Things to be grateful for: sunshine, kindness, sweets, good music, home, coffee, flowers, cats, peace, friends and family, dogs, road trips, bire rides, camping.

Things to be grateful for: sunshine, kindness, sweets, good music, home, coffee, flowers, cats, peace, friends and family, dogs, road trips, bire rides, camping.

#乐观, #感恩
Thankful, grateful.

Thankful, grateful.

#感恩, #手写字
Being joyful isn't what makes you grateful. Being grateful is what makes you joyful.

Being joyful isn't what makes you grateful. Being grateful is what makes you joyful.

#感恩, #照片
Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.

Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.

#感恩, #手写字
I am grateful to wake up and know I have another change.

I am grateful to wake up and know I have another change.

#感恩, #插画
Sometimes I just look up, smile, and say

Sometimes I just look up, smile, and say "I know that was you, thank you."

#感恩, #我想你
Having a friend with a good heart and positive energy is a blessing.

Having a friend with a good heart and positive energy is a blessing.

#交友, #好朋友
grateful for every little thing.

grateful for every little thing.

#感恩, #插画


#感恩, #手写字
The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.

The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.

#感恩, #手写字
Appreciate the moment.

Appreciate the moment.

#感恩, #插画
I am grateful for everything I have, everything I know, everything I am.

I am grateful for everything I have, everything I know, everything I am.

#做自己, #感恩
Your first thought in the morning should be

Your first thought in the morning should be "thank you".

#感恩, #照片
Grateful for every little thing.

Grateful for every little thing.

Be happy. Be who you want to be. If others don't like it, then let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn't about pleasing everybody.

Be happy. Be who you want to be. If others don't like it, then let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn't about pleasing everybody.

#善意, #快乐
Be grateful for small things, big things, everything in between. Count your blessings, not your problems.

Be grateful for small things, big things, everything in between. Count your blessings, not your problems.

#善意, #感恩
Be thankful for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.

Be thankful for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.

#初心, #奋斗
Be grateful. Always.

Be grateful. Always.



I'm so thankful I didn't end up with what I thought I wanted.

I'm so thankful I didn't end up with what I thought I wanted.

#做自己, #感恩
grateful for small things, big things, and everything in between.

grateful for small things, big things, and everything in between.

#感恩, #手写字
TO BE HAPPY YOU MUST: Let go of what's gone.Be grateful for what remains.Look forward to what is coming next.

TO BE HAPPY YOU MUST: Let go of what's gone.Be grateful for what remains.Look forward to what is coming next.

#平静, #快乐


Mom, you’re amazing.

Mom, you’re amazing.

#妈妈, #感恩