劝诫 | 句子喵,分享触动人心的美妙句子,带有句子的图片壁纸,带有句子的桌面壁纸,带有句子的手机壁纸。


Never run back to whatever broke you.

Never run back to whatever broke you.

#别回头, #劝诫
one of the most important lessons you can learn is that a healthy love does not hurt.

one of the most important lessons you can learn is that a healthy love does not hurt.

#人与人, #人间清醒
You will be too much for some people. Too loud,too soft.Too this,too that. But you'll always be perfect for the people who need you.

You will be too much for some people. Too loud,too soft.Too this,too that. But you'll always be perfect for the people who need you.

#做自己, #劝诫