分手 | 第 3 页,共 3 页 | 句子喵,分享触动人心的美妙句子,带有句子的图片壁纸,带有句子的桌面壁纸,带有句子的手机壁纸。

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> 页面3
I’m starting to believe love isn’t meant for me.

I’m starting to believe love isn’t meant for me.

#分手, #故事
If you push me away I’ll walk.

If you push me away I’ll walk.

#分手, #放手
And now you’re just a stranger who has taken a big part in my life.

And now you’re just a stranger who has taken a big part in my life.

#分手, #故事


#分手, #勇气
When its time to say goodbye after having a great time with someone.

When its time to say goodbye after having a great time with someone.

#分手, #缘分
letting go is necessary, but you don’t know what to do with the mark that was left behind.

letting go is necessary, but you don’t know what to do with the mark that was left behind.

#分手, #回忆
Some goodbyes be like, you part your ways, don’t look back, but never leave the place for the rest of your life.

Some goodbyes be like, you part your ways, don’t look back, but never leave the place for the rest of your life.

#分手, #成长
If it is destroying you, It’s not love.

If it is destroying you, It’s not love.

#分手, #爱情


#分手, #友谊


#专辑, #伤感
I’m not a person you find twice.

I’m not a person you find twice.

#分手, #故事
It’s okay. I knew you’d leave anyway everyone does.

It’s okay. I knew you’d leave anyway everyone does.

#分手, #离开
If loving you means to let go, then i will.

If loving you means to let go, then i will.

#分手, #故事
I’m not a person you find twice.

I’m not a person you find twice.

#分手, #滚球
Try to be the breath to a suffocating heart.

Try to be the breath to a suffocating heart.

#分手, #悲伤
It’s better to leave than to be left.

It’s better to leave than to be left.

#分手, #放下
I will not lose me to keep you.

I will not lose me to keep you.

#分手, #放弃
One day you’ll miss me I will not be there.

One day you’ll miss me I will not be there.

#分手, #故事
Don’t let who you were talking you out of who you’re becoming.

Don’t let who you were talking you out of who you’re becoming.

#云朵, #分手
That breakup saved you. Than friendship that ended was for a good reason. That person that left you just made you stronger. Trust me, you’re good.

That breakup saved you. Than friendship that ended was for a good reason. That person that left you just made you stronger. Trust me, you’re good.

#分手, #安慰
Remember when we used to talk? now you just view my story.

Remember when we used to talk? now you just view my story.

#伤心, #分手
You lost me the day i stopped waiting for your text.

You lost me the day i stopped waiting for your text.

#分手, #放手
It’s weird when you realise the person you once told everything to now has no idea of what’s happening in your life.

It’s weird when you realise the person you once told everything to now has no idea of what’s happening in your life.

#人间真实, #分手
Nothing is permenent.

Nothing is permenent.

#人间真实, #伤心
Thanks for ignoring me i really need this to forget you.

Thanks for ignoring me i really need this to forget you.

#分手, #放手
Taking out your mental trash.

Taking out your mental trash.

#分手, #放下
Forget the one who forgets you.

Forget the one who forgets you.

#分手, #放手
Stay loyal or stay away.

Stay loyal or stay away.

#分手, #忠诚
i swear I’ll shine again but not in your sky.

i swear I’ll shine again but not in your sky.

#分手, #彩虹


#分手, #放手


#乐观, #分手
Sometimes you have to make a decision that will break your heart but will give peace to your soul.

Sometimes you have to make a decision that will break your heart but will give peace to your soul.

#分手, #放手
I get back to my house and still feel homesick. All i know is My heart doesn’t reside between these walls anymore.

I get back to my house and still feel homesick. All i know is My heart doesn’t reside between these walls anymore.

#伤心, #分手
love her but leave her wild.

love her but leave her wild.

#分手, #放手
It’s okay to have loved deeply, it’s okay to have them only exist in memory.

It’s okay to have loved deeply, it’s okay to have them only exist in memory.

#分手, #放下
I must thank you for deciding to break my heart; I wouldn’t be who I am today if you had chosen to stay.

I must thank you for deciding to break my heart; I wouldn’t be who I am today if you had chosen to stay.

#分手, #逆境
Just let it be.

Just let it be.

#分手, #坏情绪
I don’t want you to forget me, I don’t want you to forget me, I don’t want you to forget me.

I don’t want you to forget me, I don’t want you to forget me, I don’t want you to forget me.

#分手, #坏情绪