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《山月记》里有一段话  我深知自己并非美玉  故而不敢加以刻苦琢磨  却又担心自己是块美玉  故有不肯庸庸碌碌与瓦砾为伍

《山月记》里有一段话 我深知自己并非美玉 故而不敢加以刻苦琢磨 却又担心自己是块美玉 故有不肯庸庸碌碌与瓦砾为伍

#情感共鸣, #成长
“Friends don’t look at each other like that.” but we both know we can’t be more than that.

“Friends don’t look at each other like that.” but we both know we can’t be more than that.

#故事, #爱情
Another person’s beaut is not the absence of you own.

Another person’s beaut is not the absence of you own.

#手写字, #插画


#伤心, #时间