说给朋友们的话 | 第 2 页,共 2 页 | 句子喵,分享触动人心的美妙句子,带有句子的图片壁纸,带有句子的桌面壁纸,带有句子的手机壁纸。

 句子喵juzimiao.com 句子喵juzimiao.com

so many people love you. don’t focus on the people who don’t.

so many people love you. don’t focus on the people who don’t.

#交友准则, #你值得


#加油, #坚持


#一帆风顺, #文案
you are some kind of wonderful

you are some kind of wonderful

#你真棒, #夸赞


#善待自己, #短句子
you are loved, endlessly loved.

you are loved, endlessly loved.

#你值得, #手机壁纸
light will meet you on the path.

light will meet you on the path.

#希望, #手机壁纸
you matter (just by being here)

you matter (just by being here)

#你值得, #夸赞
may you be kind to yourself as you navigate.

may you be kind to yourself as you navigate.

#你真棒, #善意
you are already a little further than you were a month ago… and the small ways you’re finding peace right here matters more than you know.

you are already a little further than you were a month ago… and the small ways you’re finding peace right here matters more than you know.

#加油, #成长
follow your dreams

follow your dreams

#初心, #手机壁纸
Believing in yourself is the first sceret to

Believing in yourself is the first sceret to

#手机壁纸, #相信自己
you are loved

you are loved

#你值得, #手机壁纸
stars can’t shine without  darkness.

stars can’t shine without darkness.

#加油, #手机壁纸