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Once i get different vibe you get different me.

Once i get different vibe you get different me.

#成长, #绿色
Everybody isn’t your friend just because they hang around you.

Everybody isn’t your friend just because they hang around you.

#友谊, #朋友
Gift your silence to people who take you for granted.

Gift your silence to people who take you for granted.

#沉默, #蝴蝶
When trust is broken sorry means nothing.

When trust is broken sorry means nothing.

#信任, #蝴蝶
Stay where your presence matter.

Stay where your presence matter.

If I’m arguing, i care. if I’m quite, I’m done.

If I’m arguing, i care. if I’m quite, I’m done.

#争论, #安静
The age 16-22.

The age 16-22.

Getting close to people isn’t my thing anymore.

Getting close to people isn’t my thing anymore.

#伤心, #故事
Karma notice everything.

Karma notice everything.

I desire so much, i receive less.

I desire so much, i receive less.

#人生, #人间真实
Don’t be long where you don’t belong.

Don’t be long where you don’t belong.

#人间真实, #蝴蝶
I never left when shit got real i left when shit got fake.

I never left when shit got real i left when shit got fake.

#人间真实, #滚球
Everything that drowned me taught me how to swim.

Everything that drowned me taught me how to swim.

#成长, #蝴蝶
Empty heart hides bucket of emotions.

Empty heart hides bucket of emotions.

#想太多, #蝴蝶
My lips smiled & heart cried.

My lips smiled & heart cried.

#伤心, #故事
You’re a great catch.

You’re a great catch.

#你真棒, #夸赞
Moving on is accepting not forgetting.

Moving on is accepting not forgetting.

#成长, #接受自己
Nothing is forever except change.

Nothing is forever except change.

#改变, #蝴蝶
Someone’s energy says a lot about them.

Someone’s energy says a lot about them.

#慎言, #蝴蝶
Time change, people change, priorities change too.

Time change, people change, priorities change too.

#人生真实, #改变
I realised no one is scared of losing me.

I realised no one is scared of losing me.

#人间真实, #孤独
Are they genuine people?

Are they genuine people?

#滚球, #蝴蝶
The more i heal the more i detach.

The more i heal the more i detach.

#故事, #蝴蝶
Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

#希望, #蝴蝶
Everything starts healing when you stop feeling.

Everything starts healing when you stop feeling.

#放下, #放轻松
Peace feels expensive these days.

Peace feels expensive these days.

#乱糟糟, #平静
Karma notice everything.

Karma notice everything.

You lost me the day i stopped waiting for your text.

You lost me the day i stopped waiting for your text.

#分手, #放手


#故事, #蝴蝶
she was the warrior you never saw coming.

she was the warrior you never saw coming.

#女性, #故事
She was layers of beautiful gemma troy.

She was layers of beautiful gemma troy.

#夸赞, #女性
Never expect, just hope.

Never expect, just hope.

#希望, #蝴蝶
The sun heals me the moon feels me.

The sun heals me the moon feels me.

#加油, #太阳
If you are depressed you are living in the past.

If you are depressed you are living in the past.

#蝴蝶, #鼓励
Stay where your presence matters.

Stay where your presence matters.

#定位, #蝴蝶
Sometimes the one who promised and the one who stayed are different.

Sometimes the one who promised and the one who stayed are different.

#人间真实, #友谊
It’s all about who stays not who promised.

It’s all about who stays not who promised.

#承诺, #故事
Not every bond last forever.

Not every bond last forever.

#失去, #蝴蝶
I don’t talk much nowadays.

I don’t talk much nowadays.

#慎言, #成长
Give but don’t let it empty you.

Give but don’t let it empty you.

#善意, #蝴蝶