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> 页面2
Life is beautiful.

Life is beautiful.

#人生, #美好
Enjey the little things.

Enjey the little things.

#生活, #美好


#享受当下, #生活
life is beautiful.

life is beautiful.

#生活, #绿色
He makes beauty out of chaos.

He makes beauty out of chaos.

#故事, #美好
There is beauty in simplicity.

There is beauty in simplicity.

#生活, #美好
Things to be grateful for: peace, sunshine, kindness, sweets, cats, flowers, music, home, coffee, road trips, bike rides, camping.

Things to be grateful for: peace, sunshine, kindness, sweets, cats, flowers, music, home, coffee, road trips, bike rides, camping.

#乐观, #幸福
Things to be grateful for: sunshine, kindness, sweets, home, coffee, good music, flowers, cats, peace, dogs, camping, bike rides, friends and family.

Things to be grateful for: sunshine, kindness, sweets, home, coffee, good music, flowers, cats, peace, dogs, camping, bike rides, friends and family.

#幸福, #生活
Some of the best moments in life are the ones you can’t tell anyone about.

Some of the best moments in life are the ones you can’t tell anyone about.

#孤独, #生活
Don’t be afraid to lose good in order to gain great.

Don’t be afraid to lose good in order to gain great.

#初心, #善意
I will make it through this week looking for light in little things.

I will make it through this week looking for light in little things.

#手写字, #插画
find the light in everything

find the light in everything

#乐观, #插画
when u focus on the good the good gets on better.

when u focus on the good the good gets on better.

#善意, #手写字
cling to what is good.

cling to what is good.

#善意, #坚持