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#故事, #月亮
Selenophile. (n.)a person who loves the moon.

Selenophile. (n.)a person who loves the moon.

#孤独, #月亮
darkest night, longest road, deep thoughts, and a moon that follows…

darkest night, longest road, deep thoughts, and a moon that follows…

#希望, #月亮
Just you and me under the moonlight.

Just you and me under the moonlight.

#情话, #月亮
Just like the moon, you are beautiful in every phases.

Just like the moon, you are beautiful in every phases.

#夸赞, #我爱你
The moonlight is shining bright in the sky.

The moonlight is shining bright in the sky.

#月亮, #紫色
let the light of the moon empower you.

let the light of the moon empower you.

#力量, #月亮
Don’t compare your life to others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.

Don’t compare your life to others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.

#做自己, #别比较


#做自己, #月亮
The sun heals me the moon feels me.

The sun heals me the moon feels me.

#加油, #太阳
Hidden & unknown, like the new moon, i live my life.

Hidden & unknown, like the new moon, i live my life.

#做自己, #月亮
My only forever is the moon, stars and sky.

My only forever is the moon, stars and sky.

#天空, #星星
Just me, her, and the moon.

Just me, her, and the moon.

#情话, #我爱你
Everyone wants to be the sun to lighten up someone’s life.

Everyone wants to be the sun to lighten up someone’s life.

#太阳, #插画
I’m such a “look at the moon” person.

I’m such a “look at the moon” person.

#做自己, #安静
be the moon and inspire people even when you’re far from full

be the moon and inspire people even when you’re far from full

#人与人, #影响
Don’t compare your life with others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon, they shine when it’s their time.

Don’t compare your life with others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon, they shine when it’s their time.

#人与人, #做自己
I love places that make you realize how tiny you and your problems are.

I love places that make you realize how tiny you and your problems are.

#手写字, #插画
The moon reminds me “You are still whole no matter what phase you’re in.”

The moon reminds me “You are still whole no matter what phase you’re in.”

#不完美, #插画
magic comes in pieces

magic comes in pieces

#发送, #月亮
And like the moon,we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again.

And like the moon,we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again.

#延时满足, #月亮
i am alone in my dreams

i am alone in my dreams

#做梦, #孤独