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> 页面4
and suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.

and suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.

#故事, #新开始
There’s always a second change everybody gets a second chance.

There’s always a second change everybody gets a second chance.

#新开始, #机会
This will be my year.

This will be my year.

#2023, #Happy New Year
Happy New Year!12 New Chapters, 365 New Changes.

Happy New Year!12 New Chapters, 365 New Changes.

#Happy New Year, #新年快乐
page 1 of 365, hope it’s a good story.

page 1 of 365, hope it’s a good story.

#Happy New Year, #新年快乐
New year, new feels, new changes, new dreams.

New year, new feels, new changes, new dreams.

#新年快乐, #新开始
Page 1 of 365 and so the adventure begins.

Page 1 of 365 and so the adventure begins.

#2023, #Happy New Year
365 new days, 365 new chances.

365 new days, 365 new chances.

#新开始, #烟花
New beginning.

New beginning.

New attitude.

New attitude.

#态度, #新开始
Trust the magic of new beginnings.

Trust the magic of new beginnings.

#新开始, #鼓励
The best time for new beginnings is now.

The best time for new beginnings is now.

#去野, #新开始
Forgive & forget the old you.

Forgive & forget the old you.

#兔子, #原谅自己
Everyday is a day you’ve never seen before.

Everyday is a day you’ve never seen before.

#新开始, #老鼠
Stop carrying old feelings into new experiences.

Stop carrying old feelings into new experiences.

#放下, #放轻松
If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.

If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.

#去野, #小熊
New beginings are often disguised as painful endings.

New beginings are often disguised as painful endings.

#加油, #新开始
Change is a door that can only be open form the inside.

Change is a door that can only be open form the inside.

#插画, #改变
And suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.

And suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.

#插画, #新开始
Be brave enough to suck at something new.

Be brave enough to suck at something new.

#创新, #彩虹