善待自己 | 第 3 页,共 4 页 | 句子喵,分享触动人心的美妙句子,带有句子的图片壁纸,带有句子的桌面壁纸,带有句子的手机壁纸。

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> 页面3
don’t be hard on yourself.

don’t be hard on yourself.

#善待自己, #爱自己
you deserve to feel happy, supported, feel accepted, safe and loved.

you deserve to feel happy, supported, feel accepted, safe and loved.

#善待自己, #爱自己
I’m going to speak to myself kindly for today and forever.

I’m going to speak to myself kindly for today and forever.

#善待自己, #房子
the world is a difficult place. but in it all, please remember to be gentle with yourself.

the world is a difficult place. but in it all, please remember to be gentle with yourself.

you made it here through 100% of your bad days. you did that. so remember to be gentle with yourself.

you made it here through 100% of your bad days. you did that. so remember to be gentle with yourself.

#你真棒, #善待自己
be gentle with yourself.

be gentle with yourself.

#善待自己, #爱自己
Dear self, sorry for always breaking you for others.

Dear self, sorry for always breaking you for others.

#善待自己, #对不起
Dear self I’m sorry for all the mean things I’ve said to you.

Dear self I’m sorry for all the mean things I’ve said to you.

#善待自己, #对不起
be kind to yourself and share it with the world.

be kind to yourself and share it with the world.

#善待自己, #爱自己
be kind to yourself and share it with the world.

be kind to yourself and share it with the world.

#善待自己, #善意
Be kind to your mind.

Be kind to your mind.

#善待自己, #蓝色
Remember to treat yourself kindly when your emotions are beating up your brain.

Remember to treat yourself kindly when your emotions are beating up your brain.

#善待自己, #情绪化
How they treat you is how they feel about you. Believe them.

How they treat you is how they feel about you. Believe them.

#善待自己, #相信自己
The second that you stop getting in your own way, and you’re kind to yourself, and you’re graceful with yourself, it’s crazy to see how you blossom.

The second that you stop getting in your own way, and you’re kind to yourself, and you’re graceful with yourself, it’s crazy to see how you blossom.

#善待自己, #成长
Forgive & forget the old you.

Forgive & forget the old you.

#兔子, #原谅自己
If it makes you happy, it doesn’t have to make sense to others people.

If it makes you happy, it doesn’t have to make sense to others people.

#取悦自己, #善待自己
Remember be kind to your mind.

Remember be kind to your mind.

The way you speak to yourself matters.

The way you speak to yourself matters.

#善待自己, #善意
Nobody really knows how much anyone else is hurting. We could be standing next to someone who is completely broken and we’d never know. So, be kind, always. With yourself, and others.

Nobody really knows how much anyone else is hurting. We could be standing next to someone who is completely broken and we’d never know. So, be kind, always. With yourself, and others.

#与人为善, #善待他人
Be gentle with yourself.

Be gentle with yourself.

#善待自己, #善意
Never sacrifice your happiness for anyone.

Never sacrifice your happiness for anyone.

#乐观, #人与人
The real question is: Are you your best friend’s best friend?

The real question is: Are you your best friend’s best friend?

#善待自己, #爱自己
Talk to yourself like you would to  someone you love.

Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.

#善待自己, #爱自己
Don’t be so hard on yourself, take a minute to look how far you’ve come.

Don’t be so hard on yourself, take a minute to look how far you’ve come.

#善待自己, #小牛
The trick is that as long as you know who you are and what makes you happy, it doesn’t matter how others see you.

The trick is that as long as you know who you are and what makes you happy, it doesn’t matter how others see you.

#善待自己, #爱自己
Make yourself a proiority.

Make yourself a proiority.

#善待自己, #肯定自己
Be kind to yourself.

Be kind to yourself.

#善待自己, #花
Be gentle with the way you hold your own heart.

Be gentle with the way you hold your own heart.

#善待自己, #爱自己


#别焦虑, #善待自己
A reminder: be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best that you can.

A reminder: be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best that you can.

#善待自己, #手写字


#善待自己, #爱自己


#善待自己, #插画
When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try to treat the world better than it treated you.

When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try to treat the world better than it treated you.

#善待自己, #善意
work hard as fuck. then be nice to yourself.

work hard as fuck. then be nice to yourself.

#努力, #善待自己
You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head, be kind to yourself.

You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head, be kind to yourself.

#善待自己, #插画
be kind to yourself.

be kind to yourself.

#善待自己, #手写字
Take your hating ass to the mirror and Learn to love something about that miserable soul of yours.

Take your hating ass to the mirror and Learn to love something about that miserable soul of yours.

#善待自己, #爱自己
You don’t have to make sense of everything in the past before you can choose to be kind to yourself in the present.

You don’t have to make sense of everything in the past before you can choose to be kind to yourself in the present.

#善待自己, #插画
“You will bloom if you take the time to water yourself.“

“You will bloom if you take the time to water yourself.“

#做自己, #善待自己
The way you speak to yourself matters.

The way you speak to yourself matters.

#善待自己, #彩虹