可爱 | 第 3 页,共 3 页 | 句子喵,分享触动人心的美妙句子,带有句子的图片壁纸,带有句子的桌面壁纸,带有句子的手机壁纸。

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> 页面3
Wanna taco about it?

Wanna taco about it?

#乐观, #双关语
You snailed it!

You snailed it!

#乐观, #双关语
Waddle I do without you?

Waddle I do without you?

#乐观, #企鹅
You make life brearable.

You make life brearable.

#一言九鼎, #乐观
We’re mint to be.

We’re mint to be.

#乐观, #双关语
You’re the ripe, one for me.

You’re the ripe, one for me.

#乐观, #双关语
Spread the love.

Spread the love.

#乐观, #双关语
It’s a date!

It’s a date!

#乐观, #双关语


#乐观, #双关语
What wood i do without you.

What wood i do without you.

#乐观, #双关语
I’m smitten for you.

I’m smitten for you.

#乐观, #双关语
You’re the only bun for me.

You’re the only bun for me.

#乐观, #双关语
Owl you doin?

Owl you doin?

#乐观, #双关语
I love you, even though you’re a prick sometimes.

I love you, even though you’re a prick sometimes.

#乐观, #双关语
I love you form my head.

I love you form my head.

#乐观, #双关语
I like the crepe outta you.

I like the crepe outta you.

#乐观, #双关语
You’re so cheesy.

You’re so cheesy.

#乐观, #双关语
What’s coming is better than what’s gone.

What’s coming is better than what’s gone.

#乐观, #可爱
I find you quite ribbiting.

I find you quite ribbiting.

#乐观, #双关语
Avo good day.

Avo good day.

#乐观, #双关语
You’re radishing.

You’re radishing.

#乐观, #双关语
I a-door you.

I a-door you.

#乐观, #双关语
You’re wonton in a  million.

You’re wonton in a million.

#乐观, #双关语
You are my soy mate.

You are my soy mate.

#乐观, #双关语
You crack me up.

You crack me up.

#乐观, #双关语
You mean a latte to me.

You mean a latte to me.

#乐观, #双关语
It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your cloves.

It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your cloves.

#乐观, #双关语
Wanna spoon?

Wanna spoon?

#乐观, #勺子
Choose yourself more often.

Choose yourself more often.

#乐观, #可爱
Do not fear only believe.

Do not fear only believe.

#可爱, #恐惧
All dogs are the rapy dogs…most are just freelancing.

All dogs are the rapy dogs…most are just freelancing.

#可爱, #宠物
You are too smart to worry and too cute to care.

You are too smart to worry and too cute to care.

#可爱, #故事
list of cute things: you, also you, hey look youm, and you, wait wait wait, you, you’re cute.

list of cute things: you, also you, hey look youm, and you, wait wait wait, you, you’re cute.

#可爱, #夸赞
girls like you deserve a love that always feels like summer

girls like you deserve a love that always feels like summer

#可爱, #夏天


#可爱, #奋斗


#可爱, #爱自己


#人间清醒, #可爱
Only you. Love.

Only you. Love.

#可爱, #我爱你