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Choose the one who chooses you in a room full of people, and not the one who wants you only when the room is empty.

Choose the one who chooses you in a room full of people, and not the one who wants you only when the room is empty.

#劝告, #爱情
one of the most important lessons you can learn is that a healthy love does not hurt, it beals.

one of the most important lessons you can learn is that a healthy love does not hurt, it beals.

#劝告, #爱情
Don’t spend another year doing the same shit.

Don’t spend another year doing the same shit.

#劝告, #建议
Do not think less of yourself just because today you were not at your best.

Do not think less of yourself just because today you were not at your best.

#劝告, #放轻松


#劝告, #爱情
how beautiful is it to find someo ne who asks for nothing but your company.

how beautiful is it to find someo ne who asks for nothing but your company.

#交友, #劝告


#劝告, #喵星人


#劝告, #故事
Though it is hard to make sense of everything you lost, the beautiful things is … you don’t have to. You can focus on this new day that has just been given to you, and rest in sweet assurance that even in the little things, light is still pouring through.

Though it is hard to make sense of everything you lost, the beautiful things is … you don’t have to. You can focus on this new day that has just been given to you, and rest in sweet assurance that even in the little things, light is still...

#劝告, #生活
Accept responsibility for your mistakes, Leave your phone, in another room, Say no when it’s necessary but uncomfortable, Read books, Sleep, Tell people you appreciate them, Question your assumptions, Admit you’re wrong, Listen before speaking.

Accept responsibility for your mistakes, Leave your phone, in another room, Say no when it’s necessary but uncomfortable, Read books, Sleep, Tell people you appreciate them, Question your assumptions, Admit you’re wrong, Listen before spe...

#人生, #人生格言
It can only break you if you let it.

It can only break you if you let it.

You a are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.

You a are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.

#劝告, #自大