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> 页面7
The worst pain is getting hurt by a person you explained your pain to.

The worst pain is getting hurt by a person you explained your pain to.

#人与人, #伤害
Communicate. Even when it’s uncomfortable or uneasy. One of the best ways to heal is simple getting everything out.

Communicate. Even when it’s uncomfortable or uneasy. One of the best ways to heal is simple getting everything out.

#交流, #人与人
As you evolve – notice who says, “I’m glad I get to know this version of you too.”

As you evolve – notice who says, “I’m glad I get to know this version of you too.”

Choose people who choose you.

Choose people who choose you.

#人与人, #友谊
Nothing is better than vibing with someone real.

Nothing is better than vibing with someone real.

#人与人, #友谊
I think it’s important to realize that no matter how good you are to people, it won’t make them good to you.

I think it’s important to realize that no matter how good you are to people, it won’t make them good to you.

Stop stressing over shitty people.

Stop stressing over shitty people.

#人与人, #善意
maybe you don’t see it, but you’re so full of sunshine you make the world around you light up.

maybe you don’t see it, but you’re so full of sunshine you make the world around you light up.

#人与人, #影响力
Keep it real or keep your distance.

Keep it real or keep your distance.

#人与人, #真实
How you are treated is more important than how much you like them.

How you are treated is more important than how much you like them.

Don’t let the noise of other peoples opinions down out your inner voice.

Don’t let the noise of other peoples opinions down out your inner voice.

#人与人, #做自己
You cam mute people in real life too. It’s called boundaries.

You cam mute people in real life too. It’s called boundaries.

#人与人, #滚球
Sometimes losing people makes you find yourself.

Sometimes losing people makes you find yourself.

#人与人, #友谊
Stay away from people who make you feel you’re hard to love.

Stay away from people who make you feel you’re hard to love.

#人与人, #滚球
The real test is being kind to unkind people.

The real test is being kind to unkind people.

#人与人, #善意
There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.

#与人为善, #人与人
You do not have to set yourself on fire to keep others warm.

You do not have to set yourself on fire to keep others warm.

#人与人, #滚球
Focus on loving yourself instead of loing the idea of other people loving you.

Focus on loving yourself instead of loing the idea of other people loving you.

#人与人, #爱自己
The rignt one will love you, even after knowing all the flaws. The wrong one will blame you, even if you give your best.

The rignt one will love you, even after knowing all the flaws. The wrong one will blame you, even if you give your best.

#人与人, #做自己
Never sacrifice your happiness for anyone.

Never sacrifice your happiness for anyone.

#乐观, #人与人
Stop being available to unavailable people.

Stop being available to unavailable people.

I’m careless about people who never care for me back.

I’m careless about people who never care for me back.

#人与人, #滚球
Some people never change & that’s not your problem.

Some people never change & that’s not your problem.

#人与人, #蝴蝶
Realizing people aren’t meant for you and not resenting them. That’s growth.

Realizing people aren’t meant for you and not resenting them. That’s growth.

#人与人, #成长


#不同, #人与人


#人与人, #手写字


#人与人, #手写字
when you are confident, people become confident in you.

when you are confident, people become confident in you.

#人与人, #做自己
Never regret being a good person,to the wrong people. Your behaviour says everything about you, and their behaviour says enough about them.

Never regret being a good person,to the wrong people. Your behaviour says everything about you, and their behaviour says enough about them.

#与人为善, #人与人


#不焦虑, #不纠结


#人与人, #善意
Don’t rush something you want to last forever.

Don’t rush something you want to last forever.

#人与人, #善意


#人与人, #感恩


#人与人, #故事


#人与人, #关系


#人与人, #幸福


#人与人, #做自己


#交友, #人与人
People inspire you, or they drain you.Pick them wisely.

People inspire you, or they drain you.Pick them wisely.

Always remember, someone’s effort is a reflection of their interest in you.

Always remember, someone’s effort is a reflection of their interest in you.
